Tips answer survey online (English)

 People refer to be effective

Most surveys have a question about gender, age, annual income, ... Have you ever wondered why it is? : D

This is the stage of classifying the respondents to the survey and is also the most important stage because if you "clean", you will not be able to continue the survey. This means "do not make money" ... So the experience I share today is about this grading phase!

The reason I think you guys can't go on is because you're too honest.
Today I would like to share with you the experience and tips to answer the survey question with the highest success rate.

Questions about gender

Usually, you can declare your gender as male or female. However, with some surveys with specific topics, gender will determine whether you can participate in the survey or not. So just declare the most suitable gender.
For example:
- In football survey, I declare my gender as Male.
- Survey about detergent, gender should be declared as Female (if I choose Male, the probability of being eliminated is relatively high).

Part of date of birth.
(Remember, it will ask again. Age must match the year of birth)

Question 1: What year were you born? 1990
Question 5: How old are you this year? 24 (2015 - 1990 = 25)
Answer like this is disqualified.

The age chosen must be greater than 18 years old and depending on the purpose of the survey you should choose the appropriate age range
For example:
- Survey about women with children aged 0-7, the age you choose in the range of 20-30

Questions about accommodation

Just choose the big cities for yourself, Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh for example. Every survey is the same, most of them are directed to areas with economic potential.

Questions about personal income - household income

Should choose average income. It's easy to be disqualified either too high or low :)
For example:
- Personal income: 3 - 5 million / month
- Family income: 30 - 50 million / month
For the year, multiplying by 12 is OK.

The question about the profession of family members

For example: Please tell us if you or do any of your family members work in any of the following occupations?
Answer: select "No one works in that field"
If you choose one of the remaining options, 100% will be disqualified.

Survey Questions Been Participated

For example: Have you participated in any market research in the past 6 months?
Answer: No

If you have participated in a survey similar to the current survey, the answers coming will not be of much value to them anymore. There is no reason for both sides to continue, next :))

Side note

- When you have email invited to survey, do not participate immediately because at this time there will also be many people receiving similar emails. The possibility of being disqualified because the number of survey participants is full is quite possible. I have also suffered a few times. In this case, please wait 15-30 minutes, let them be eliminated gradually, then we will not be late :))

- Don't be too honest !!!
There are a lot of surveys where information about the respondents is given by the system, like "We are looking at a group of people between the ages of 40 and 49." Then they ask your age or year of birth , what if you claim the truth is 25 years old? Next right away.

- These experiences are not complete but will definitely help you feel more confident when taking part in online surveys.

Tips answer survey online (English) Tips answer survey online (English) Reviewed by Đặng Cường on January 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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